Hong sung chul biography definition

Hong sungchul

Born in 1969, Korea


2001  M.F.A., Integrated Media, California Institute staff the Arts, CA

1994  B.F. A., Sculpture, Hong-ik University, Seoul

Selected Exhibitions


<Solid but Fluid>, Uartspace, Seoul, Korea


<Solid but Fluid>, Pontone audience, London, UK


<Solid but Fluid>, HADA | VYNER STREET, London, UK­


<Solid but Fluid>, gallery IHN, Seoul, Korea

<Les mains déFILent Les yeux FILent>, Galerie Orem, Paris, France


<Les mains déFILent Les yeux FILent>, Galerie Orem, Paris, France

<Solid however Fluid>, YHD Projects, Seoul, Korea


<Anxiety and dynamics of incompleteness>,Kring, Seoul, Korea


<Perceptual Mirror>, gallery IHN, Seoul, Korea,

<Young_eun Artist Relay>, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwangju, Korea


<RGB show_Green>, Kumho Museum of Unusual, Seoul, Korea


<String Tongue>, CalArts, Los Angeles, USA


<White Cube>, CalArts, Los Angeles, USA

Selected Group Exhibitions


<Infinitegrace2>, Falls Mansion gallery, NYC, USA

<re: quantity 2019, Waterfall Mansion gallery, NYC, USA

<Beyond The Frame>, Taksu room, Singapore

<ordinary Lie>, Seoulmuseum, Seoul, korea

<ART EXPO MALAYSIA 2019>, kuala lumpur, Malaysia


<Infinitegrace2>, Waterfall Mansion gallery, NYC, USA

<MINIARTEXTIL HUMANS 2018>, Arte&Arte, Como, Italy


<Looking Glass>,  the Cornell Lively Museum, Delray Beach, USA

<Art Direction Springs>, Palm Springs Convention Sentiment, Palm Springs, USA

<Affirmation & Interrogation>, 021 gallery, Deagu, Korea

<Journey hit DA VINCI>, Art center imitation Hamyang county, Hamyang, Korea


<TAKSU pointed Art Stage Singapore 2016>, Singapore

<RARITY SUMMER CONTEMPORARY>, Rarity gallery, Greece

<Flat-Form Subject & Object>, Comix Countryside Base, Hong kong

<SALON 2016>, Suffragist Brunelli Fine Arts, Binghamton, USA


<The Figure in Art>, Exhibit Unadulterated, NY, USA

<Material Witnesses>, Taksu Galleries, Singapore

<From Moment to Moment>, Jeju Museum of Art, JeJu, Korea

<Portrait Gallery>, Kallenbach gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

<Alma Mater>, Gana Art, Seoul, Korea


<FEEL LIFE SAF 2014>, Waterfall Keep gallery, NYC, USA

<Eye Zone>, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK

<Re-presenting Representation VIII>, ARNOT ART MUSEUM, New Royalty, USA

<SALON3.2014>, Anthony Brunelli Fine Music school, Binghamton, USA


<Hong Sungchul & Protected area Seungmo>, HADA contemporary, London, UK­

<Life style 2013>, Waterfall gallery, NYC, USA

<New waves Korea>, Taksu drift, Singapore


<Korean eye 2012>, Saatchi House, London, UK

<Out of Frame>, Interalia, Seoul, Korea

<Temporal Being & Treat badly Manner of Forming>, Edwin’s Congregation, Jakarta, Indonesia


<The Senses ; Synergistic Perception>, HADA contemporary, London, UK­

<Korean Collective den Haag 2011>, Galerie Noordeinde, Den Haag, Nederland

<Double Democracy>, artGwangju, Korea

<Korean Collective Basel 2011>, hall33, Basel, Switzerland


<Korea tomorrow>, SETEC, Seoul, Korea

<Korean Collective London 2010>, Albemarlegallery, London, UK

<Hong sungdo – Hong Sungchul >, Erhard Witzel Gallery , Wiesbaden, Germany

<Remind>, Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Metropolis, Korea

<Man Ray & His Heritage>, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea


<The Magic of Photography>, Hanmi photo Museum, Seoul, Korea

<Shooting Image>, KOEX, Seoul, Korea

<Varied space>, Andy’s Gallery, Seoul, Korea


<Artists, what commission science for you?>, KAIST ,Daejeon, Korea

<Contemporary Korean Photographs 1948-2008>, MOCA, Gwacheon, Korea

<Your Mind’s Eye_Digital Spectrum>, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

<From Korea in Beijing>, Clog up Seasons Gallery, Beijing, China


Mutual Stimulation, KTF Gallery the Orange, Seoul

Cool Bits, Sun Contemporary, Seoul

Text simple Bodyscape, Seoul Museum of Craft, Seoul

Look & See, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul


Soft Landing- 7 Artists Meet BMW, CAIS Gathering, Seoul

EHS project, Sejong Center, Seoul

1st Anniversary Exhibition, Cube Space, Seoul


R-mutation, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul

Korean Parallel Sculpture for Citizen, Jebiwool Museum, Gwacheon

Between, Contemporary Art Museum do paperwork Hongik University/ Staatliche Akademie der

Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Stuttgart

Issues of Analysis, POSCO Art Museum, Seoul


ADADA 2004_Digital & Imagination, Ewha Gallery, Seoul

Contemporary Art Video & Installation, Daegu Art Center, Daegu

Korea Contemporary Cut Accociation 2004, Jinhae Culture Structure, Jinhae

Soul & Bowl, Gallery IHN, Seoul

Alternative Realities, EMAF, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul

Storytelling Media COMO, SKT Center, Seoul


Fake & Fantasy, Cover Center Nabi, Seoul

Charity-Present, Ssamziespace, Seoul

Vision 21, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul

At Home, KEPCO Plaza, Seoul

Window pay the bill Communication-Uijeongbu International Media Art Point a finger at, Uijeongbu Art

Center, Uijeongbu

Beauty, Sungkok Spry Museum, Seoul

I, You, Us, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul

Dreamy Hive, Daling Art Foundation, Seoul


The 2nd Seoul International Media Art Biennale, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul

Alchemy, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul

Korea-Japan Network Accommodate, Art Center Nabi, Seoul/ IMA, Fukui City Art Museum, Japan


Peer, Gallery 825, LA

Immediate Distance, Go on Gallery, CalArts, LA

Great Video Setting up inauguration, D301 Gallery, Calarts, LA

Have dexterous Cool Summer, Track 16, LA


Art Video Screening, Bijou, Calarts, LA


Mold, Bijou, Calarts, LA

Relay, Space Kang, Seoul


New Village-Obsession, Art Center, Seoul

Resonance, Art Center, Seoul


Cinderella Report, Duckwon Gallery, Seoul

Macaroni Western, Hyundai Offshoot Store, Seoul


Team Spirit, Duckwon Congregation, Seoul

Imitation & Rotation, Duckwon Listeners, Seoul

Fusing Cement in Art, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul

Education & Consciousness, Space SADI, Seoul

Rebellion of Room, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul


New village-Ecology of Routine Life, Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul

The 7th Busan Period, Busan Art Center, Busan

Booking talk to Gallery, Gallery BoDa, Seoul

New Village-When, Where with Whom, Battangol House, Seoul

Residency program

Youngeun Studio program (6th), Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Walk off, Kwangju, Korea


Seoul Museum of Theme, Seoul, Korea

MMCA(National Museum of Contemporary and Contemporary Art, Korea

Kolon Alliance, Gwacheon, Korea

Byuksan Fondation, Seoul, Korea

Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, City, Korea

Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea

BOGHOSSIAN Fondation, Brussels, Belgium

Bokwang Stack, Seoul, Korea

Pfizer Korea, Seoul, Korea

CJ E&M, Seoul, Korea

F&F, Seoul, Korea

SK Telecom, Seoul, Korea

Commissioned Public Relay project

Platinum River building, seoul Korea

Winstonpark building, Ilsan, Korea

SKT tower Seoul, Korea

Dansung Theater, Seoul, Korea

Deawoo Dosibit building, Seoul, Korea

SK-Reader’s view domicile, Seoul, Korea

Platinumvalue building, Seoul, Korea

Theot (Fashion shopping mall), Seoul, Korea

FKI (Federation of Korean Industries Intellect Office Building) Tower, Seoul, Korea


Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea

Orakai Hotel, Seoul, Korea

Anyounginsadong culture center, Seoul, Korea


홍 성 철

1969년 서울생


2001   California Institute of leadership Arts 대학원 졸업 MFA, Great Art / Integrated Media

1994   홍익대학교 미술대학 조소과 졸업 BFA



<Solid however Fluid>, HADA | VYNER Path, London, UK­


<Solid but Fluid>, Verandah IHN, Seoul, Korea

<Les mains déFILent Les yeux FILent>, Galerie Orem, Paris, France


<Les mains déFILent Lack of control yeux FILent>, Galerie Orem, Town, France

<Solid but Fluid>, YHD Projects, Seoul, Korea


<Anxiety and dynamics entrap incompleteness>,Kring, Seoul, Korea


<Perceptual Mirror>, drift IHN, Seoul, Korea,

<Young_eun Artist Relay>, 영은 미술관, Kwangju, Korea


<RGB show_Green>, 금호미술관, Seoul, Korea


<String Tongue>, CalArts, Los Angeles, USA


<White Cube>, CalArts, Los Angeles, USA



<The Figure enclose Art>, Exhibit A, NY, USA

<Material Witnesses>, Taksu Galleries, Singapore

<From Fit to Moment>, Jeju Museum be fooled by Art, JeJu, Korea

<Portrait Gallery>, Kallenbach gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands

<Alma Mater>, Gana Art, Seoul, Korea


<FEEL LIFE SAF 2014>, Waterfall Mansion gallery, NYC, USA

<Eye Zone>, Saatchi Gallery, Writer, UK

<Re-presenting Representation VIII>, ARNOT Know about MUSEUM, New York, USA

<SALON3.2014>, Suffragist Brunelli Fine Arts, Binghamton, USA


<Hong Sungchul & Park Seungmo>, HADA contemporary, London, UK­

<Life style 2013>, Waterfall gallery, NYC, USA

<New waves Korea>, Taksu gallery, Singapore


<Korean chic 2012>, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK

<Out of Frame>, Interalia, Seoul, Korea

<Temporal Being & On Manner worry about Forming>, Edwin’s Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia


<The Korean Miracle ; A Social Evolution>, Asia House, London , UK

<Para-Technologies>, POMA , Pohang

<최정아 assemblage 개관전>, 최정아 gallery, seoul

<The Faculties ; Interactive Perception>, HADA parallel, London, UK­

<Korean Collective den Haag 2011>, Galerie Noordeinde, Den Haag, Nederland

<Double Democracy>, artGwangju, Korea

<Korean Aggregative Basel 2011>, hall33, Basel, Switzerland


<Korea tomorrow>, SETEC, Seoul, Korea

<Korean Educational London 2010>, Albemarlegallery, London, UK

<홍성도 – 홍성철 2인展>, Erhard Witzel Gallery , Wiesbaden, Germany

<영은10주년 기념전 Remind 그곳을 기억하다>, 영은 미술관, 광주, Korea

<만 레이와 그의 친구들의 사진전>, 서울시립미술관, Seoul, Korea


<요술, 이미지 The Magic of Photography>, 한미사진미술관, Seoul, Korea

<포토 코리아 2009 Astute Image>, KOEX, Seoul, Korea

<변형된 공간>, Andy’s Gallery, Seoul, Korea


<과학정신과 한국현대미술전>, KAIST ,Daejeon, Korea

<현대사진60년展>, 국립현대미술관, Gwacheon, Korea

<반응하는눈_디지탈 스펙트럼>, 서울시립미술관, Seoul, Korea

<From Korea in Beijing>, Art Seasons Gallery, Beijing, China


<Coolbits>, SUNcontemporary, Seoul, Korea

<Text in Bodyscape>, 서울시립미술관, Seoul, Korea

<보다 보여지다>, 금호 미술관, Seoul, Korea


Soft Landing展7 Artists Meet BMW / 카이스 갤러리

ehs project In confidence 세종문화회관

cube space 개관 1주년 기념전


R-mutation / 예술의전당 콘써트홀

도시민에 다가가는 한국현대조각 / 제비울 미술관

between / 홍익대학교 현대미술관

Lange Nacht der Museen History Stuttgart 독일

between / Staatliche Akademie derBildenden Künste Stuttgart 독일


ADADA 2004 _digital & imagination / Ewha Gallery

2004 현대미술 영상 & 설치전/ 대구문화예술회관

현대조각회 / 진해 문화의 거리

soul & bowl / 갤러리 인

EMAF 미디어 특별전 / 이화여자대학교

Storytelling Transport COMO / SKT center


Fake & Fantasy / 아트센터 나비

비젼21 Memorandum 성신여대 수정관

집에서 / 한전 아츠풀

의정부 국제 디지털아트 페스티발 / 의정부 예술의 전당

아름다움/ 성곡미술관, 서울

I, boss about, us / 성곡미술관, 서울

Dreamy Throng /달링아트


Media City 2002 Luna Nova/서울 시립미술관

연금술 / 성곡 미술관, 서울

한일 네트워크 아트 / 아트센터 나비, 서울 / IMA, Fukui Megalopolis Art Museum, 일본


Peer / Crowd 825, Los Angeles

Immediate Distance Memorandum Main Gallery, CalArts, Los Angeles

Great Video Installation / D301 House, Calarts, Los Angeles

Have a Cold Summer / Track 16, Los Angeles


Art Video Screening / Bauble, Calarts, Los Angeles


Mold / Gimcrack, Calarts, Los Angeles

Relay/ Space Kang, 서울


신촌-집착 / 문예진흥원, 서울

공명 Relate 문예진흥원, 서울


신데렐라 Report / 덕원 미술관, 서울

Macaroni Western / 현대 백화점, 서울


집단정신 / 덕원 미술관, 서울

물좋은 갤러리 / 갤러리 보다, 서울

제 3회 청색구조- Imitation & Rotation / 덕원 미술관, 서울

교육과 자아 / Space SADI, 서울

공간의 반란 / 서울 시립 미술관, 서울


‘신촌’-일상의 생태학 / 관훈 갤러리, 서울

제7회 부산 비엔날레 / 부산 예술의전당, 부산

Booking in the drift / 갤러리 보다, 서울

‘신촌’–때, 곳, 등장인물 / 바탕골 갤러리, 서울